Every time I find myself in the position of “redesigning” myself because of an imbalance, I have to concretize those ideal choices which, by happening in a perspective chosen by me, broaden my vision: I take the energy of my experiences to comprehend it, and to direct it towards what I am inclined to.
Taking the time for the design postpones the immediate action and reconfigures my impulses by putting in relation my own reflections. The latter arise from the relationship between observation and memory: I analyze past experiences and find similarities with the present ones to formulate a judgment (so that my actions do not immediately follow their own imagination).
I believe that this self-control of my desires, given by thinking in a design way, leads me to self-educate myself in “relating”: if my progressive and constant organization of knowledge (facts, experiences and dreams) gives shape to my ideals, it also activates an educational process in the conscious adjustment of relations generate by the thought based on what is known, between things that interact with each other producing given effects.

Every time I find myself in the position of “redesigning” myself because of an imbalance, I have to concretize those ideal choices which, by happening in a perspective chosen by me, broaden my vision: I take the energy of my experiences to comprehend it, and to direct it towards what I am inclined to.
Taking the time for the design postpones the immediate action and reconfigures my impulses by putting in relation my own reflections. The latter arise from the relationship between observation and memory: I analyze past experiences and find similarities with the present ones to formulate a judgment (so that my actions do not immediately follow their own imagination).
I believe that this self-control of my desires, given by thinking in a design way, leads me to self-educate myself in “relating”: if my progressive and constant organization of knowledge (facts, experiences and dreams) gives shape to my ideals, it also activates an educational process in the conscious adjustment of relations generate by the thought based on what is known, between things that interact with each other producing given effects.


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